We welcome your comments, both positive and negative, as they let us know when we get it right and when there is room for improvement.
Letters of Appreciation
If you have been happy with the care you have received, please let us know. Letters to the Practice Manager, Tori Richardson, or to individual doctors are very much appreciated.
Please email rosemary.feedback@dorsetgp.nhs.uk
If you have any suggestions for making improvements for the way we provide services the please complete a form and post it in the suggestions box in the waiting room.
If you have a query of concern, but do not want to make a formal complaint please speak to our Reception Manager, Sandy who will be happy to assist you in answering your queries or concerns. If Sandy is unavailable please ask to speak to Tori Richardson, Practice Manager.
Alternatively, you can contact:
NHS Complaints Advocacy services, who can be contacted on 03333 447928 or emailed at reception@swanadvocacy.org.uk or use the contact form on the website www.swanadvocacy.org.uk
Healthwatch – 0300 111 0102 – who help local people get the best out of their local health and social care services http://www.healthwatchdorset.co.uk/
If you are unhappy with any aspect of your care or service, please let us know as soon as possible. We operate an internal complaints procedure which meets with the national NHS criteria.
How do I complain?
We hope that most problems can be sorted out easily and quickly often at the time they arise.
If your problem can not be sorted out in this way and you wish to make a complaint, we would like you to let us know as soon as possible. Complaints should be addressed to our Practice Manager, Mrs Tori Richardson. Please either email rosemary.feedback@dorsetgp.nhs.uk or send a physical letter to the practice.
We will aim to acknowledge your complaint within 3 working days, either verbally or in writing. There may be an offer at this stage to discuss the complaint and how it is going to be handled, including the likely period for completing the investigation and receiving a response.
We will send you a written response as soon as reasonably practical after completing the investigation, which will include:
- An explanation of how the complaint has been considered
- Conclusions reached
- Any matters for which remedial action is needed and will be taken
Complaining on behalf of someone else
You can make a complaint on behalf of someone else (e.g. an elderly relative) but you must have their written permission.
NHS Complaints Procedure
We hope that if you have a problem you will use our internal complaints procedure. We believe this will give us the best chance of putting right whatever has gone wrong and an opportunity to make improvements.
You may choose to make your complaint to NHS England who commission our services.
NHS England
PO Box 16738
B97 9PT
By email to: england.contactus@nhs.net
If you are making a complaint please state: ‘For the attention of the complaints team’ in the subject line.
By telephone: 0300 311 22 33
If you remain unhappy once local resolution is completed, you have the right to ask the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman to review your complaint.
The address is:
The Parliamentary & Health Services Ombudsman
Millbank Tower
Telephone 0345 0154003
Email phso.enquiries@ombudsman.org.uk
The PHSO would normally expect any request to be lodged within 12 months however, you are encouraged to make the approach as soon as possible after the completion of the local resolution.